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BASELINE TEST= first time test is done

FOLLOW-UP = done about 60 days later while on supplements given from BASELINE results.

  1. Read back of form completely ahead of time. Pay close attention to the instructions as to what foods to avoid.
  2. Pick a day that will be easy to take the time to do the saliva collection. If a day is unusually stressful, your cortisol levels will be abnormally high. It is best not to do it on a Saturday since there is no Fed Ex on Sundays.
  3. If you’ve had a hormone shot, such as cortisone for pain or progesterone shot, wait 2 weeks-3 weeks to do the test. If you are using hydrocortisone cream, stop using the cream for 4 weeks before taking the test. Birth control pills hormone replacement- no affect asi test.
  4. If taking dhea or adaptogens- BASELINE TEST: Off both 7-10 days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            For FOLLOW- UP TEST: Dhea: don’t take that day. Adaptogen formulas: take after sample collection.
  5. To make collecting saliva easier, you may put a few drops of lemon juice in your mouth. Wait a few minutes, then rinse mouth with very cold water. Imagining biting into a lemon helps too. Sugarless gum helps, too. Xylitol sweetened is best. Chew gum, wait a few minutes, rinse mouth with cold water. Sometimes it may take up to 10 minutes to fill the tube ¾ full.
  6. Please discuss with me any other medications or supplements you’re taking, as some may affect the test. Some antihistamines affect the test and should not be taken for 3 days.
  7. FOLLOW UP TEST ONLY: discuss with me first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fill the morning tube before eating. Then approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes before the noon tube, have a high carbohydrate meal. Normally this is not how I advise patients to eat. However, we are testing insulin levels and your body’s ability to respond to carbohydrates. DiagnosTechs recommends the following: “To obtain the most meaningful results, instruct patient to eat 50g of carbohydrate or what is equivalent to 200 calories about 45-90 minutes before noon sample collection. Examples: 2 slices of white bread and 1 cup of orange juice OR 1 cup of cooked oatmeal and 1 cup of orange juice OR 2 ounces of corn flakes snack.”
  8. Pay the lab the fee for your test by filling in the front of the form (# 2 UNDER Required Billing Information). The receptionist will let you know the exact amount.
  9. Mail to address on label. 2day air Fed Ex. Only the post office can deliver to a post office box and they do not guarantee the delivery time.
  10. They send me the results in 7-10 business days. I’ll analyze the results, write a report then email it to you. Then we can set up a time to discuss it and the recommended protocols.

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